Advanced Photography

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The Advanced Photography course covers more advanced areas in photography. These are more specialist subjects that are normally not covered by other courses. We have placed all of these in one course to help photographers take their skills to a more advanced, professional level. Through a number of tailored exercises and tuition, you will explore advanced concepts of photography and develop a better understanding of professional areas.

If you are looking to become a professional photographer then our advanced photography course is the perfect starting point. Over the duration of the course you will learn about the technical and creative aspects of advanced photography.

Becoming a professional photographer is a highly rewarding career and yet achieving this aim isn’t easy.  Using our experience and industry know-how we can help you to achieve your dreams and create a flourishing business.  Our advanced course means you can learn in all of the following areas: wedding, portrait, flash, landscape, studio, still life, urban or lowlight.

The course has the following modules:

The Wedding photography module–takes you through a professional photographer’s day, covering a pre-wedding meeting, contracts, timings, key photos of the day, working with natural and flash lighting. This module helps you understand the order and professional requirements needed to take on a commission.

The studio photography module – will cover flash and camera exposure as well as equipment. We go through many different setups using a different number of lights. The main purpose of this module is to show how simple it is to set up a professional studio and get the results you want.

The natural light portrait module – Is for whether you are looking to become a professional photographer or simply looking to take stunning family portraits. During this module you will gather a greater understanding of how to control light and how to identify great locations to shoot. In addition to this, and equally important, you will learn how to direct your subjects for more flattering poses.

The Speedlite photography module - gives you the skills to use your speedlite in a more creative way. It covers all of the flash and camera settings. As well as this you will gain an understanding the flash theory needed to balance exposures for all lighting conditions. Off the hot-shoe flash and the various methods of connection is also covered. The key factor to this module is to be able to use flash and your camera in manual modes.

The Lowlight photography module - is designed to cover low light shooting and understanding the differences to brighter light conditions. As well as exposure, equipment and metering, this module covers painting with light and creative effects.

The landscape/ the rural environment photography module – goes through the principles of light, exploring different compositions, equipment, filters and metering. The module will cover different locations such as beaches, woodlands and conventional landscape settings. Understanding how to control light in all of these situations will enable you to produce fantastic rural photographs.

The street/ the urban environment photography module – is about capturing and getting images in a constantly changing environment. It is about finding shots in busy locations without compromising on quality. As well as this, the module covers exposure settings to make sure your images are sharp and correctly exposed.

The still life photography module – is an extra module where we have covered still life setups using natural or flash lighting. Key things such as equipment and using macro or extension tubes are shown. Creative set ups are shown and how they can be achieved by anyone without purchasing expensive equipment.

Although you may feel you need to buy the equipment used on the course, you do not have to have to. However, by having the equipment you would benefit by being able to do the different techniques yourself and put into practice everything you have learnt. You can learn all of the principles of each topic from the course materials without making expensive purchases.

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